

How to Enhance Email Marketing with Videos Breathe visual life into stale, boring inboxes.

It may be time to look for ways to boost your marketing strategies. Though some things remain constant, such as the effectiveness of email marketing, there are now ways to increase your email campaigns’ success.

A growing trend in email marketing is implementing videos into your campaigns. Adding videos into your traditional emails has been proven to pay off. Don’t believe us, we’ve done the research to prove it! Below are 4 ways that you can engage your audience by including videos in your emails.

1.Highlight Your Brand’s Message – Demonstrating to customers what your brand really is can be a challenge, but video is one of the best tools for doing just that. Including a video that shares your brand’s story offers customers the opportunity to hear your authentic story, thus driving engagement. Rather than adding the typical block of text describing your brand, using a video helps put information in a more enjoyable format, allowing you the chance to highlight your message.
2.Create a Video Series – We’ve all been there. Scrolling through our email inbox with little excitement, as we’re bombarded with more of the same boring company emails. But what if there was a way to make your company’s emails stand out? Here’s your opportunity! Creating a video series and embedding it into your emails offers customers something to look forward to in their inbox. Keep your customers up to date with what you’ve been doing, share a story, end with a cliffhanger. Give them a reason to want to open your emails with a video series.
3.Run a Subject Line Test – The first thing we see when we go through emails is subject lines. Adding videos to your emails gives you the chance to mention it in your email’s subject line. Alternatively, you can include a video in your email without mentioning it in the subject line. Send out both options and see what works best. Does “Check Out Our Latest Video” work better than a generic subject line? We believe highlighting that there is visual content in your email works best but find out for yourself! This gives you the chance to really see what works. Dive into email marketing and the results to get the most profit and engagement.
4.Use Emojis in Your Subject Line – Emojis are here to stay, allowing you to communicate without the burden of additional words. Including a video camera emoji with a short message can be incredibly effective in increasing email opens. Consider this. You’re looking through your inbox and receive an email with a generic text subject line and another with an emoji. Which is going to draw you in? More likely, the video camera emoji will stand out.

How Rip Roarin Productions Can Help

Creating a video can be a challenge if you don’t have an internal production team or the equipment needed to do the job right. Rip Roarin Productions has the experience and capabilities to create just about any video you’d like to include in an email. Whether you are looking to create a branding video for email, your website, or to share on social media, we can help! Contact us today to learn about our video production options!