

Why You Should Use Videos as Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Reaching out to consumers and catching their attention becomes harder as time moves forward. Our attention span is getting worse and marketers are constantly looking into different mediums to create quality and engaging content. More people want to watch something and get done than read a whole article and end up spending more time reviewing. In light of the aforementioned, we have gathered 4 reasons your company should incorporate videos into your business.

Say More in Fewer Words

First of all, with a video you can say a lot more than with just words. You can combine several things, for instance, motion picture, voiceovers or other forms of audio, pictures, and text.

In addition, you can create videos for different kinds of purposes. Ask yourself these questions:

1.Do you work for a company that interviews people?
2.Do you need to create a how-to explanation for one of your products?
3.Do you simply want to tell consumers about your brand?
4.Or maybe you coach a sport steam and would like to review your team’s performance at a later time.

No matter what the answer is, using a video enables you to show more and say less, and saves the consumer time in reviewing the content you share.

Improve your Search Engine Optimization

Build Brand Identity

Lastly, another important aspect a video can give is building brand identity. What is your business without a voice or a personality? Having both of these established creates a platform consumers can feel comfortable in engaging with the brand.

Building a strong brand identity plays a role in the success of a company because
it makes it easier for someone to connect to it and make it a part of their life. When a consumer reaches this stage, they are more likely to keep spending money on your products, and recommend it to someone else.

Post Directly on Facebook

Posting your video directly on your Facebook page has shown to receive more engagement instead of sharing a YouTube link. A video uploaded to Facebook will play automatically in someone’s feed while a YouTube link or similar requires a person to actually click on it to play. As a result, your target audience is exposed to your video right away which decreases the chance of them scrolling past it, and they are not put in a situation where they have to decide to play or not.

Please give us a call at 267-597-1477 or contact us if you are interested in advancing your business with our video production work.